
Here's a list of all the categories of Norns I have. If you click on one it will send you to a list with all the Norns from that category, and from there you can view information about a Norn and download them and their genome. Beware that many Norns that have been genetically modified are still missing download links and some are still missing pages; I'm yet to get around to putting them up but I will as soon as I have the time to.

The Seven

These are the original seven Norns that are without genes to make them die of old age. They're getting ridiculously old. Don't question their names, either. These Norns are from a looooong time ago and I can't vouch for the naming schemes of thirteen-year-old me.


These are the Norns I tried to genetically engineer. I stress the word 'tried'.
All the Norns in this section use Tarlia's updated Norn genetics.


These are just your bog-standard Norns, some with mutations, some without, and I haven't laid a hand on their genetics. All the Norns in this section use Tarlia's updated Norn genetics.